Easter delivers kale for the adults, chocolate eggs for the children


The solemn mass began with the procession and a chorus of Hallelujahs from the cathedral choir, the oldest musical institution in Australia formed in 1818. Archbishop Fisher preached that “Resurrection” was not a paleo diet, cryo-technology or new-agery.

“Quinoa and kale, aςai powder and green tea, a FitBit and a personal trainer – these are our culture’s secrets to living forever. There are even more ‘out there’ strategies: cosmetic, genetic or cybernetic treatments; getting yourself cloned or frozen till they have a cure; mind-to-computer uploading; and reincarnation into a younger body,” he said.

But the crucial link in the Christian Easter rebirth story is the sacraments, he said, not “green tea or cloning”.

Easter Sunday mass at St Mary's Cathedral.

Easter Sunday mass at St Mary’s Cathedral.

Photo: Peter Rae

“Baptism is the sacrament of rebirth, purification, justification, eternal life. To miss the sacraments or receive them only half-heartedly is to fail to really participate in the Holy Week,” he said.

Article source: https://www.smh.com.au/world/north-america/family-famed-for-protest-photo-dies-when-suv-goes-off-cliff-20180329-p4z6y7.html?utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_world


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