'Up there with Monty Python': UK poison suspects' tale strains belief


While they may have passed Skripal’s home during their visit to Salisbury, “we don’t know where it’s located” and “I’d never heard this name before,” Boshirov said.

The interviewer, RT’s editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan, at times seemed more interested in insinuations about the men’s personal relationship than their alleged military status. “All footage features you two together,” she told them. “You spent time together, you lived together, you went for a walk together. What do you have in common that you spend so much time together?”

“Let’s not breach anyone’s privacy,” Boshirov replied. “We came to you for protection, but this is turning into some kind of interrogation.”

Interviewer poured pair brandy ‘for courage’

Simonyan later wrote on Twitter: “Guys, I don’t know if they’re gay or not.” She’d poured them some brandy “for courage”. They’d been “extremely nervous and sweating” during the interview and it’s for viewers to decide whether to believe them, she said.


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